Mount Disappointment - Kinglake Map
Rooftop Maps
Featuring Mount Disappointment Forest
Coverage includes Reedy Creek, Wandong, Upper Plenty, Mount Disappointment, Hazeldene, Flowerdale, Strath Creek Falls, No.1 Camp, Blair's Hut etc. Facility symbols include Camping Areas, Picnic Areas, Lookouts and Fishing Spots. The 1:50,000 scale map also includes, roads, vehicle, motorcycle and walking tracks, contours, elevations, and GPS co-ordinates with an inset of the Strath Creek falls area.Also Featuring Kinglake National Park
Coverage includes Kinglake West, East & Central; Steels Creek, Strathewen, Pheasant Creek, Masons Falls, Mt Jerusalem, Mount Robertson, West Bridge, Wombelano. Facility symbols include Camping Areas & Wineries. The 1:50,000 scale map also includes, roads, vehicle, motorcycle and walking tracks, contours, elevations, and GPS co-ordinates.New waterproof edition.