Classic Mountain Walks in Mallorca
Walking in Mallorca quickly established itself as the most comprehensive guidebook to the island, with particular emphasis on the rugged Serra de Tramuntana. June Parker's routes have been walked afresh, carefully checked and amended where necessary, and are now presented with new mapping and plenty of colour pictures. This book will entice walkers well off the beaten track, enabling them to explore the most diverse terrain around the island. Rugged mountain walks contrast with remote valleys, while waymarked trails give way to long- forgotten mule tracks and hidden mountain passes. Some walks run close to breathtaking cliff coastlines, while others pass through sleepy villages where welcome refreshment can be obtained. Birdwatchers, geologists and historians will find abundant interest throughout Mallorca, and a full introduction explains about facilities around the island. Language notes are given in native Catalan and Castilian Spanish, enabling visitors to pass the time of day with local people and make the most of their visit to the island.
ISBN-13: 9781852844882
Publisher: CICERONE
Author: Parker, June
Published: 01/01/2009
Format: Paperback (172mm X 116mm) 384 pages