The Cathar Way - the Sentier Cathare - is a popular, well- waymarked trail which links several of the world-famous 'Cathar castles' of south-west France. A challenging, fascinating and rewarding route, it is not an arduous mountain trek. The trail runs for about 250 kilometres, from the Mediterranean coast, westward to the historic town of Foix. It can be walked in two weeks or less by anyone who is well-equipped and moderately fit. Good- quality accommodation is available at regular intervals along the entire length of the trail. The trail traverses the dramatic foothills of the Pyrenees mountains, a beautiful countryside which enjoys plenty of sunshine and which is rich in wildlife. The highlights of the Cathar Way are the 'castles in the sky' like Queribus, Peyrepertuse and Montsegur. These incredible medieval fortifications will forever be associated with the ill- fated Cathar 'heresy', which was brutally suppressed in the thirteenth century.
ISBN-13: 9781852844868
Publisher: CICERONE
Author: Mattingly, Alan
Published: 01/01/2009
Format: Paperback (172mm X 116mm) 192 pages