Take A Walk in Northern Territory's National Parks
Take a Walk PublicationsA trip into Australia’s heart and the Top End is an adventure dream for most Australians! Burnt-orange landscapes; starkwhite ghost gums; iconic rock domes; glowing-red sunsets; night diamonds in unpolluted skies; plummeting waterfalls; rain-drenched wetlands; emerald-green monsoon forests; and the world’s oldest art galleries, attract thousands of visitors to this timeless land. Walk with us through 38 parks and reserves along a thousand kilometres of tracks and trails and discover the hidden beauty of these unique areas. Choose your own adventure
from 63 easy, 39 moderate, 17 hard, and nine overnight walks. Whether you throw on a backpack, sleep in a tent or prefer a campervan, caravan or motorhome, you’ll fi nd somewhere to rest your head in the access and information sections.