This book invites climbers to enjoy the best of Pyrenean rock climbing, in an area hitherto neglected by British climbers. There are 500m routes on immaculate andesite on the Pic du Midi d'Ossau; 300m routes on hard sandstone in the 10 mile long, one mile deep canyon of Ordesa; whilst the 300m conglomerate climbs on the towers and walls of Riglsos are mind-blowing in their stunning grandeur. Limestone is also represented, particularly at the popular Santa Elena, with its delicate slab climbing. There is an introduction to the easier gorge descents of the remarkable Sierra Guara, where 200m deep canyons provide memorable trips. The routes described offer a challenge to all climbers who perform at severe standard and upwards, who would like to attempt longer routes in a mountain setting but without the oppressive objective dangers found in areas of higher altitude. The increased length, ever present concern with route finding and time pressure to finish without benighting, add a further dimension to both the joy and thrill of the climbing experience. However, the descriptions chosen are for routes with little or no loose rock and only minor route finding difficulty.
ISBN-13: 9781852840396
Publisher: CICERONE
Author: Walker, Derek
Published: 01/04/2009
Format: Paperback (172mm X 116mm) 136 pages