Overland Track (Chapman)

Chapman Publications
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Contains comprehensive track notes for walking the Overland Track in Tasmania plus major sidetracks which include Cradle Mountain, Barn Bluff, Lake Will, Mt Oakleigh, Mt Ossa, Fergusson Falls, Hartnett Falls and Pine Valley. Intended for those walking the Overland Track only. The guide has colour topographic maps of the entire track plus gradient profiles of the track and major sidetrips.  It has been designed so that it can be used in conjunction with the Walkers Handbook to the Overland Track (published by Department of Parks & Wildlife) as it does not include any of the notes on plants and animals that are described in that booklet. For those wishing to explore further than the Overland Track, then the larger guide book Cradle Mountain Lake St Clair & Walls of Jerusalem National Parks which also includes the Overland Track should be considered. The Overland Track book is actually a subset of that larger guide and we would expect walkers to use one or the other but not both.