TASMAP is progressively introducing a 1:50 000 Topographic Mapping Series.
This map covers the southern half of King Island and combined with Cape Wickham 1: 50 000 topographical map gives full coverage of the whole island. Cataraqui Point is named after the British barque, Cataraqui ,which founded on the western coast in 1845. 400 lives were lost with only 9 people surviving. There is now a memorial overlooking the site of the wreck. Visitors to King Island can experience the local produce, surf beaches, golf courses and history. King Island is a mainly farming community known for its prime produce with the moist westerly winds producing lush pastures. To the south of the mining town of Grassy is the large open cut tungsten mine, closed for some time due to low prices, but now in production again.
The design of the 1:50 000 Map Series provides clear and accurate portrayal of topographic information, with symbols and map content giving enhanced depiction of buildings, hill shading and a simplified classification of vegetation.
Product Number: | TE01 |
Edition: | 1 |
Production Year: | 2020 |
Datum: | Geocentric Datum of Australia 2020 (GDA2020) |
Scale: | 1:50000 |