Across the Eastern Alps - The E5 With its launch on the shores of beautiful Lake Constance, the long-distance European pathway E5 (approx. 600km in length) makes its way southeast through rural alpine regions in Switzerland, Austria and Italy, to finish in Verona. Passes as high as 2900 metres are encountered in the opening stages that traverse the Allgauer, Lechtaler and Otztaler Alps en route to the northern Italian city of Bolzano, home to the intriguing Ice Man. Gentler gradients follow as the E5 bears south to run parallel to the mighty Adige river touching on a surpising number of spectacular geological sites, not to mention mountains riddled with tunnels from the First World War. The well-established E5 is suitable for walkers with basic experience and a bent for international travel. Accommodation is provided by a well organised network of alpine refuges and village-based guesthouses with reasonable rates, and excellent public transport in the form of trains and buses means that walkers can opt to join or leave the route at virtually every stage.
ISBN-13: 9781852844929
Publisher: CICERONE
Author: Price, Gillian
Published: 01/01/2009
Format: Paperback (172mm X 116mm) 156 pages